A child in Malang regency desperately snatched his mother's valuables. The suspect also tortured his mother and brother.
Malang – A child in Malang Regency until his heart was able to seize his mother's valuables. The suspect also tortured his mother and br
other. This is done entirely for the sake of money to gamble. The suspect is Qoim Lidinillah who lives with Nurhayati's victim. They live in Kedungpedaringan Village, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency.

Kasat Reskrim Malang Police AKP Tiksnarto Andaru Rahutomo said, the handling of the case began from the victim's complaint. Where the suspect had robbed BPKB placed in a bed drawer.
At that time, the house was quiet. The suspect's real mother is coming. "BPKB with one Honda BeAT N-3454-AAR motorcycle that was seized. After that the suspect was sold. The proceeds from the sale are used by suspects for online gambling," Andaru told detikcom, Thursday (1/14/2021).
Regarding the report, Andaru's mother, the victim also claimed to have been tortured by the suspect, torture was also felt by other family members. Until after the mother with other family members were frightened and chose to leave the house.
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The suspect also carried out the vandalism while at home. The family grew increasingly anxious and displaced at another relative's house. After obtaining the report, we immediately arrested the suspect," andaru added.
Due to proven looting, the suspect was eventually imprisoned in the prison cell of Mapolres Malang. However, the complainant was also the victim's biological mother after choosing to withdraw her complaint.
"There was peace between the complainant and the complainant, the rest of the complainant withdrew his complaint," Andaru concluded.